+ 21

Rattlesnake Trail

Hiking Trail

13.81 mi
1,736 ft
A long journey into one of the state's finest wilderness area

Just to the north of Missoula is the Rattlesnake Wilderness area, a vast expanse of mountains, forests and barren valleys which are full of potential adventures.

The area is easily accessed from Missoula, but the trips within it are anything but easy! One classic is the trip up [Stuart Peak]( and you can also get a taste for the area (but not actually enter the official wilderness area) by biking the classic [Full Fenceline]( ride.

The journey up the Rattlesnake Trail is technically easy, but it's a long and wild trip. It can be done either on foot or bike, but the fact that it goes up a gravel road and is never steep means that it's easier on the latter.

We've drawn it as a one way route because at the end of it there are so many options that we're reluctant to specify just one. It's safe to say that once you reach the end of the line drawn here you are in truly wild country, and surrounded by a lifetime's worth of adventures! Written by Charlie Boscoe
Created By
Strava Routes

Route and Elevation